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Se der, ja! Jeg begynte å lure på hvor det ble av deg. 😉 Nydelig himmelbilde som alltid.
ja var fint dette da. ha en fin swf kveld
Du skuffer aldri med dine flotte bilder, nei! Synes solnedgangen lengre nede her er utrolig flott også:) Klem fra Randi**
This is a stunning shot
Kanon. Flott eksponering eller er det flere kanskje?? Vakkert uansett
Stunning fiery sky. Well-done.
Looks like flames in the sky!
Wow…this is a fantastic sky!Wonderful!Happy SWF!
wow! an early favorite! this is awesome!
Supert bilde. For noen farger:) God helg!
Wow ! This is a great picture, beautiful colors ! Gr. P-TER
Der har du fått frem en struktur som få andre. Meget bra (og jobbet med Drammen Daily).
WOW! I don’t have the words to tell you how wonderful I think this one is.
excellent capture. very dramatic. the colors are so rich.
Is that a Drammen-sky, if yes one more reason to stop at Drammen next summer !!! Hilser Hartmut
Spectacular! The color is unusual and wonderful, never mind the exciting cloud formations.
Amazing colors! Great shot.
Thank you for sharing this big beautiful view of the sky.
Wow! Amazing…all is so sharp and clear!
absolutely beautiful! happy swf. 🙂
Great capture of the spectacular sky. I love the colours. Have a great weekend.
Flott bilde og en fantastisk himmelfarge, Rune.
that sure is some colourful photo, its fantastic.
Et aldeles nydelig bilde, Rune. Jeg likte det veldig godt!
What a brilliant burst of strong, dramatic colour! Stunning!
Rent utav en biblisk himmel. Parktfull.
Fantastic… what a perfect view. The perspective is amazing…
Beautiful clouds and colours.
Goreous shot and the colors are unbelievable! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend!
Wow!! This is so amazing! I really loved it!! Happpy weekend 🙂
The colors are beautiful! Happy SWF
A beautiful sky with fantastic colors.
Just Perfect…
Rune: What a neat sky for your SWF post, great colors.
the colors fabulous, the sweeping clouds awesome. love this shot…
This one is a true stunner
Gorgeous! Interseting cloud formation and great color,
As the picture was loading, I could see an angry face in the clouds. Awesome sky.
WOW! Fantastic gorgeous picture!
Det er virkelig fantastisk og dramatisk! Det liker jeg godt! Ha en god weekend!
Phenomenal! Simply breathtaking.
Wow … what a fantastic pictures with these flaming colours. Great!
wow! this is stunning!
Very scenic sunset. They are longer up there than down south here in Florida, where the sun sets quickly.
Fantastic view …. beautifully couloured.
wonderful image, sunlight like that touches ones heart forever.
That’s fabulous. Such dramatic and beautiful color and form.
Wow! The sky looks so angry! Powerful colors!
What a drama the whole sky is in turmoil; fantastic colour, great shot.
What a beautiful, colorful and dramatic sky shot. Love it.
What an amazing dramatic sky you captured. I love the expanse of this shot…
Hm og he he. Du fikk kommentar av meg på Sky Watch bildet under her. Er altfor vant til Blogspot. 😉
Your photo is beautiful!!! Happy SWF.
beautiful – color, composition, everything
Nydelig vakkert! Her får jeg følelsen av å bli sugd inn i bildet så dybden har du fått frem her! Skal jeg pirke lurer jeg på ett lite kutt i bunnen?
Comments are closed
Ønsker deg en fin reise på Bildebloggen min, i ord og bilder.
Nye flyfoto:
Vassbotn -E18
Revet Larvik
Manvik – Brunlanes
…de nyeste bildene!
Se der, ja! Jeg begynte å lure på hvor det ble av deg. 😉
Nydelig himmelbilde som alltid.
ja var fint dette da. ha en fin swf kveld
Du skuffer aldri med dine flotte bilder, nei! Synes solnedgangen lengre nede her er utrolig flott også:) Klem fra Randi**
This is a stunning shot
Kanon. Flott eksponering eller er det flere kanskje?? Vakkert uansett
Stunning fiery sky. Well-done.
Looks like flames in the sky!
Wow…this is a fantastic sky!Wonderful!Happy SWF!
wow! an early favorite! this is awesome!
Supert bilde. For noen farger:) God helg!
Wow ! This is a great picture,
beautiful colors !
Der har du fått frem en struktur som få andre. Meget bra (og jobbet med Drammen Daily).
WOW! I don’t have the words to tell you how wonderful I think this one is.
excellent capture. very dramatic. the colors are so rich.
Is that a Drammen-sky, if yes one more reason to stop at Drammen next summer !!!
Hilser Hartmut
Spectacular! The color is unusual and wonderful, never mind the exciting cloud formations.
Amazing colors! Great shot.
Thank you for sharing this big beautiful view of the sky.
Wow! Amazing…all is so sharp and clear!
absolutely beautiful! happy swf. 🙂
Great capture of the spectacular sky. I love the colours.
Have a great weekend.
Flott bilde og en fantastisk himmelfarge, Rune.
that sure is some colourful photo, its fantastic.
Et aldeles nydelig bilde, Rune. Jeg likte det veldig godt!
What a brilliant burst of strong, dramatic colour! Stunning!
Rent utav en biblisk himmel. Parktfull.
Fantastic… what a perfect view. The perspective is amazing…
Beautiful clouds and colours.
Goreous shot and the colors are unbelievable! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend!
Wow!! This is so amazing! I really loved it!!
Happpy weekend 🙂
The colors are beautiful! Happy SWF
A beautiful sky with fantastic colors.
Just Perfect…
Rune: What a neat sky for your SWF post, great colors.
the colors fabulous, the sweeping clouds awesome. love this shot…
This one is a true stunner
Gorgeous! Interseting cloud formation and great color,
As the picture was loading, I could see an angry face in the clouds. Awesome sky.
WOW! Fantastic gorgeous picture!
Det er virkelig fantastisk og dramatisk! Det liker jeg godt! Ha en god weekend!
Phenomenal! Simply breathtaking.
Wow … what a fantastic pictures with these flaming colours. Great!
wow! this is stunning!
Very scenic sunset. They are longer up there than down south here in Florida, where the sun sets quickly.
Fantastic view …. beautifully couloured.
wonderful image, sunlight like that touches ones heart forever.
That’s fabulous. Such dramatic and beautiful color and form.
Wow! The sky looks so angry! Powerful colors!
What a drama the whole sky is in turmoil; fantastic colour, great shot.
What a beautiful, colorful and dramatic sky shot. Love it.
What an amazing dramatic sky you captured. I love the expanse of this shot…
Hm og he he.
Du fikk kommentar av meg på Sky Watch bildet under her.
Er altfor vant til Blogspot. 😉
Your photo is beautiful!!! Happy SWF.
beautiful – color, composition, everything
Nydelig vakkert! Her får jeg følelsen av å bli sugd inn i bildet så dybden har du fått frem her! Skal jeg pirke lurer jeg på ett lite kutt i bunnen?